Home>News>World>Sunhak Peace Prize Awardees to be Announced in Korea

Sunhak Peace Prize Awardees to be Announced in Korea

World Summit 2022

Award Ceremony will honor laureates for significant achievements in promoting Peace and Development and for COVID-19 Pandemic Response

Wasington, DC — The Sunhak Peace Prize Foundation is holding a press conference on Feb. 7, 2022 to officially announce the 5th Sunhak Peace Prize Laureates including the Founders’ Award. The Laureates are being honored for their extraordinary efforts to promote peace and human development and to protect humanity’s health and well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic. Laureates will each receive a cash prize, a medal and plaque at the World Summit 2022 (Summit for Peace on the Korean Peninsula) during a ceremony on Feb. 12, 2022 in South Korea.

WHAT: The Sunhak Peace Prize Selection Committee, led by Hon. Jose Manuel Barroso, former president of the European Commission, is inviting media coverage of the event to announce the winners and give backgrounds of the Laureates.

WHEN: 6:00 p.m. (KST) on Monday, Feb. 7, 2022.

WHERE: Local reporters can gather in the Hyojeong Cultural Center, Seorak, South Korea.

The biennial Sunhak Peace Prize, founded in 2013, honors individuals and organizations that have shown extraordinary service to global peace and well-being in one of three areas: sustainable human development, conflict resolution or ecological conservation. Dr. Hak Ha Jan Moon created the prize to honor the legacy of her late husband, Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon, who dedicated his life to build a global culture of peace with the theme, “One Family Under God.”

The Sunhak Peace Prize Founders’ Award was initiated in 2020 to honor distinguished world leaders who demonstrated significant accomplishment for peace and development throughout their careers. The first recipient of the Sunhak Peace Prize Founders’ Award was H.E. Ban Ki-moon, former UN Secretary General. The Founders’ Award is selected by the Sunhak Peace Prize Foundation and its Founder.

The history of the Sunhak Peace Prize and its Laureates is available at sunhakpeaceprize.org/en

World Summit 2022

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