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Avoiding Common Pitfalls: Mistakes to Avoid When Buying a Domain

Buying a Domain

In this technological day and age, having a website for your business or personal goals is deemed necessary. To foster this, you must have a domain to host your site. However, not all domain providers are created equal, so you must be careful when choosing. This article lists the common mistakes you must avoid when buying a domain.

Failing to Verify Renewal Costs

One of the most common mistakes people or businesses make when buying a domain is failing to verify the renewal costs. The upfront cost for the first year may be inexpensive, but if you fail to check the amount you have to pay for the succeeding years, you may be surprised. Some subscription packages also factor in the domain registration process in the amount you must pay for the first year, while others don’t. When you diligently check the renewal costs, you will have ample time to prepare for the money you need to shell out to keep your site running in the same domain. Otherwise, your efforts in setting up a thriving site may prove futile.

Choosing a Hard-to-Spell Domain

Another common mistake when buying a domain is opting for a hard-to-spell name. If your users misspell your domain name, they may be redirected to other sites. It is also likely that your potential web visitors won’t easily remember your domain name because they find it challenging to spell. In this case, choose a domain name that your target audience can easily recognize by making it easy to spell. Avoid too many double letters or putting numbers and hyphens in your domain name. These characters can make your domain name even more complicated to spell and more challenging to remember. Instead, try to go for a domain name that is easy on the eyes, being able to describe what your site is all about solely in the name.

For instance, if you create a website for a laundry business, you can append the word laundry right after your business name without hyphens or underscores, such as “SpinHubLaundry.” Not only is the name easy to spell and memorable, but it also features your business and describes what your business is all about. Even the length of your domain name matters. The more characters, the longer your domain name will be. And, the longer the domain name, the harder it will be for your target users to remember.

Opting for a Domain Very Similar to Competitors

When you buy a domain very similar to your competitors, the organic traffic you should have earned may be redirected to your competitor’s site. This is because users may think that you and your competitor are identical. For this reason, avoid the common mistake of opting for a domain name similar to the same businesses or individual sites featuring the same content as you do. In this case, apart from appending your niche after your business name, you can also experiment with puns or metaphors, reflecting your brand personality accordingly.

Overlooking Domain Extensions and Domain History

When buying a domain name, make sure not to overlook domain extensions. This will make it easy for your target users to be able to find you. The right domain extension will also help establish credibility and authority in your niche. For instance, if you are an educational institution, a domain extension of .edu would be most appropriate. You can also opt for country-specific domains if you mainly target users within your vicinity. Remember that while .com is the most popular domain name extension, there are various others that you can consider, such as .net and .org to name a few.

Furthermore, there are instances where a similar domain name may have been used for spamming previously. Hence, take the time to research the domain history to ensure that you steer clear of being associated with any malicious activity. Remember, the domain history can eventually affect your website’s reputation, so ensure that you opt for a domain with a clean history.

Ignoring Trademarks

If you use a domain name covered by a particular trademark, you can get into legal issues. To avoid this, make sure that you check whether the domain name you are interested in is covered by trademark protection. There are various trademark databases that you can check out for this information. Alternatively, you can perform a general online search to see if another entity is already using the domain name you would like to use. You can also consult legal professionals if you are still determining your search results.

Disregarding SEO and Social Media Availability

SEO and social media are two pillars that are used to establish a robust online presence. When buying a domain, consider SEO and the relevant keywords you need to use on your site. This way, there will be a greater chance for you to rank higher on the results of search engines when your target users look for products or services related to your niche. Your domain name should also be available across various social media platforms to foster consistency when you use it in different channels. It will be hard for your target audience to remember different domains when engaging with your brand.

Skipping Privacy Protection

Finally, always pay attention to privacy protection when buying a domain. This means that you should not ignore WHOIS, a privacy protection solution that conceals the personal information you linked to your domain. Without this, your data will be easily accessible, and you may become a victim of spamming or fraud.

Buying a Domain

When buying a domain, there are many pitfalls that you need to avoid, such as failing to verify the renewal costs or opting for a hard-to-spell domain or one that is very similar to your competitors. Check domain extensions and research the domain history as much as possible. You should not ignore trademarks, disregard SEO and social media availability, or skip privacy protection measures. If you do due diligence, you will be able to avoid these common mistakes, ensuring that the domain you choose will foster the success of your website.

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