Home>Editorial>Miscellaneous>27th Healing Rosary for the World to be held Sept. 16

27th Healing Rosary for the World to be held Sept. 16

Healing Rosary

ON September 16, 2020 (Wednesday), exactly 34 years since the Papal Bull gracing the miraculous image of La Inmaculada Concepcion de Malabon with a canonical coronation was decreed by Pope Saint John Paul II, we are called to unite in prayer for the 27th Healing Rosary for the World to be led by Rev. Fr. Joey C. Enriquez, our Parish Administrator, in front of the venerated image of La Inmaculada Concepcion de Malabon LIVE from the Immaculate Conception Parish at 9 p.m. (Philippine Standard Time).

Let us fervently ask for the intercession of Mary, our Mother, as we pray to the Lord for the healing and protection of the world.

O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to you.