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Ultimate Essay Writing Guide for ESL International Students

Essay Writing Guide

The preparation of comprehensively developed, competitive specialists, who speak two or more foreign languages as a means of professional or personal communication at a high level, is one of the important tasks of higher education institutions. Practical training of a future specialist in a foreign language, primarily in the field of professional knowledge, as the main tool for his future professional activity, should be carried out at all stages of training at a language university and create the basis for the subsequent freestyle of language proficiency. Among the rich variety of English language study programs, TESOL is one of the most common to date is. It is taught around the world. The TESOL program includes two subprograms: ESL (English as a Second Language) and EFL (English as a Foreign Language).

ESL is usually learned by people who speak other languages, such as, for example, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, etc. But they need to study English, because want to get an education in a country where English is the official language (for example, Australia, Canada, or the USA). Foreign students have to learn the full and partially compressed version of the English language, which is used when communicating in English-speaking countries. ESL students study in intensive programs (from 8 to 25 hours a week). An important role in testing students’ knowledge is given to essay writing. All ESL international students must be able to complete this assignment. When students need help, specialists are always ready to provide support, it is just necessary to visit a professional essay writing site which could provide them with high-quality academic writing services online.

In this article, we will provide the ultimate essay writing guide for ESL international students.

A Complete Essay Writing Guide

Here is an essay writing guide to help international students complete this assignment:

  • Basic components. When writing an essay, it is important to remember the essential components of this paper: comprehension of the proposed topic, highlighting the problem, formulation of the idea of an essay in the form of a thesis, argumentation of the author’s position, assessment of the topic and the chosen problem. The free essay form allows you to arrange the required components in any order;
  • Comprehension of the topic. The student, based on personal experience, his own vision, should explain his understanding of the topic, using examples from fiction as evidence;
  • Highlighting a problem. The theme allows you to highlight a particular problem to be discussed. In this case, it is not necessary for the student to take the position indicated in the topic;
  • Formulation of an essay idea. It is recommended to present the idea of an essay in the form of a thesis. This can be an author’s thought, quote, phraseologism, proverb, rhetorical exclamation, etc.;
  • Argumentation. The thesis requires argumentation. Arguments are facts, phenomena of public life, events, life situations and life experiences, scientific evidence, references to the opinions of scientists, literary works, etc. Factual material can be the starting point in the thoughts of the author. The essay uses at least two arguments from any of the above sources. Arguments must be compelling and convincing;
  • Author’s assessment of the topic and the selected problem. The essay is characterized by a circular frame, so it is important to return to the stated thesis at the end of the paper in order to assess the problem. It is necessary to note here that the original is considered the essay in which the author was able to interest the reader in the free organization of the composition, unexpected coupling of facts, associations, aphoristic language, the novelty of conclusions;
  • Structural elements. Despite the free form of organization of an essay, the structure of this paper involves such parts as the introduction, main part, and conclusion. In the introductory part, it is enough for the author to include 1-2 paragraphs, consisting of 2 or more sentences, which will attract the attention of the reader, and will bring him to the problem that the essay is devoted to. The main part consists of a thesis and several arguments. In the final part, the author needs to draw conclusions. The conclusion and introduction should focus on the problem (in the introduction it is posed, the opinion of the author is summarized in the conclusion);
  • What should be an interesting essay? To write an interesting essay, it is necessary to remember that it requires an understanding of the purpose of writing, a pronounced author’s position on the proposed topic, sincerity, emotionality, the ability to use visual and expressive means of the language, a wide range of reasoned arguments and judgments, showing a high intellectual level of knowledge.

To summarize all of the above, we should indicate that the success of writing an essay greatly depends on a clear plan for organizing the author’s thoughts and establishing links between them.

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