Home>Editorial>Miscellaneous>Globe hit for marketing rider in sim registration

Globe hit for marketing rider in sim registration

Digital Pinoys

A network of digital advocates blasted Globe Telecoms for riding on the SIM card registration data for marketing purposes.

Digital Campaigner national campaigner Ronald Gustilo said that in its SIM registration process, Globe added an option for user data to be used for marketing and commercial purposes.

“Globe’s attempt to use subscriber data collected from SIM registration law may lead to more unwanted spam messages. While it is optional, some users may click it unwittingly.”

Gustilo said that Globe should not have added the option, which is also not allowed in the SIM registration law.

“The law is specifically for combating illegal use and malicious activities. Commercial and promotional use of data collected under the law should not be allowed.”

Gustilo added that Globe should focus its attention to improving its registration system after subscribers reported that they are still experiencing difficulty in accessing Globe’s registration portal.

“It’s already three days into the implementation of SIM registration law and Globe still can’t make registration work easily for its subscribers. They should focus on it more rather than gathering data for commercial use.”

Reference: Ronald Gustilo, Digital Pinoys National Campaigner