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Shincheonji Church Calls on Christian pastors: ‘We carry the same Bible but why do we fight and divide?’

Chairman Lee - New Heaven New Earth

In a webinar held on July 4, 2022, Lee Man-hee, a Korean peace advocate and Chairman of Shincheonji (New Heaven New Earth) Church of Jesus, called on Christian pastors and leaders to stop the religious conflict and division within the Christian community, and to unite under the same faith.

Around 8,000 pastors and church leaders from the Philippines attended the webinar titled, “Testifying to the 66 Books of the Bible’s Secrets of the Kingdom of Heaven and the New Covenant, the Revelation” which was organized by the Korea-based church.

“We carry the same Bible but why do we fight and divide? This is not right. This is also the reason why I am standing here in front of you, to say this. What I wanted to say is that we should be one in Christ. There is only one Christianity and one Bible, and there is only one God, so why are we divided and why are we fighting?”, said Chairman Lee.

Chairman Lee also encouraged the pastors and believers to study the prophecies and the fulfillment written in the Bible especially those concerning the second coming of Jesus.

“At the time of the second coming, we should examine the ‘what, when, where and until what is being fulfilled’. We should not just say that we believe in Jesus, because this is [His] promise. We should confirm this promise to have a sure faith.”

“We are explaining chapter by chapter. If the explanation of each chapter is wrong, it should be called out, right? If the explanation and the testimony are correct, then you should believe it, right? We should treat the Word as a teacher and obey it.”

Chairman Lee testifies that the Revelation, the prophetic last book in the Bible, is being fulfilled at this time. He called on the pastors and believers to examine their testimony and teachings and encouraged them to reach out and inform them should they find something wrong about it.

The webinar was aired simultaneously in 138 countries and was translated in 24 languages including Tagalog. The full video can be accessed here: https://fb.watch/e7qB8DCK_y/

In the past 9 months, New Heaven New Earth Church has aired various webinars to testify the contents of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. They have also opened batches in their Bible centers teaching free Theology courses. In 2019, they held a graduation ceremony for 103,764 graduates which garnered attention from the media and from denominations around the world.

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